Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dollars and Scents

The other day I noticed Wal Mart had my favorite cologne for a remarkably low price.Now before we go any further, let me give you my 2 cents(scents??) on the issue of ..well..scents. I see no reason, despite the trend of "scent-free work places", to discontinue the practice of wearing cologne. Don't get me wrong; I too have suffered the encounter of the pimply faced pubescent who took the "bathe in Axe and the chicks will dig ya" ads too literally. I just don't buy the whole allergic reaction gambit. I'm as much for basic personal hygene as the next guy, but I'd like to exercise my freedom of rights to include smelling like more than just toothpaste and deoderant, if it's all the same to you.
Back to the issue at hand...
This particular cologne ( Burberry Brit, in case you were wondering) was locked in the small glass case,in the cosemetics area of the store. Now, the fact that it's locked away , was a curious thing to me, as other more expensive, and I assume, theft-worthy, colognes and perfumes were displayed on a quite open shelf mere feet away from said case. Yep, there was a $50 dollar bottle of Beckham out in the open, and my little $20 bottle of Brit keep safely away from would be thieves.Actually, a cologne that brings to mind an over-paid, Posh-whipped football player after 90 minutes on the pitch makes me want to leave it right on the shelf.
I tracked down a blue smocked young lass, and explained to her that I wanted to purchase an item from the case.
And her response?
"Well, I don't have the key. And the woman that works at cosmetics leaves at 3, and takes the key with her."
THE key. The only key to the case. In the entire store. She takes it home with her. Every night.........
Perhaps, I'm missing something, but it seems to be counter-productive to the basic rules of retail to prevent your employees from being able to sell an item that a customer would like to purchase.
I'll give the young lady credit, as she called several managers in the store, trying to track down another key...to no avail.
The response from Management?- If I could come back tomorrow...during the daytime, they would give me the cologne at half price, for my troubles. So, Wal-Mart would rather give away $10, than simply have another key available? Surely, this can't be the first time this has occurred? Am I the only sap who wanted to buy cologne after 3 p.m.?
While I am grateful for the offer, and will take advantage of it, I am astounded at the situation.
By the way, the young lady informed me that, to her memory, there are only three items that are locked in a case at Wal-Mart
1)- Bullets( you get my vote on that one...) 2)- Video games. 3) Cologne. and not the expensive cologne either.

1 comment:

Kimberley said...

You don't buy the whole allergic reaction gambit? How interesting! Wish I could say the same, but I happen to be one of those lucky people that can get a raging headache and nausea from exposure to the wrong stinkwater. It's true.

However, I won't hold your Brit cologne against you so long as you follow Ashton Kucher's rule of thumb: "if I can smell your perfume and we're not making out, then you're wearing too much."

A little hint can be compelling, but when someone's cologne arrives before they do... not so much.